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Player Safety Page

Welcome to our Player Safety Page

This page is a resource for parents, coaches, board members and volunteers. On it you will be able to find a variety of information related to player safety, including SV North Mandatory reporter policies, concussion protocols and other important safety information.  

At SV North the safety of our players is our top priority. We are committed to providing a safe environment where all our children can enjoy the game of soccer.  

COVID-19 Updates

Here is the latest information regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the spring soccer season.
This page was last updated on April 7th, 2021 and the information is current

SV North has developed its COVID action plan consistent with all the applicable CDC, PA Department of Health and PA West Return to Play guidelines.

You can find a copy of our COVID ACTION PLAN here, as well the full PA West Return to Play Guidelines for Youth Soccer.

We have also created an SV North Parent Information Sheet and SV North Coaches Information Sheet for Soccer this Spring.

Parents should also be aware that:

Players cannot participate in SV North Activities if,

1. They show any signs of illness
2. They know they have been exposed to someone within the last 14 days who has been infected with COVID
3   They have traveled to a state within the last 14 days designated by the PA Department of Health as having a high infection rate of COVID. A list of these states can be found here:

Additional Information Regarding COVID-19 outbreak:

Previous statements from SV North regarding the status of the spring season:
SV North President Statement April 7th, 2021

SV North President Statement, May 15th, 2020
SV North President Statement, April 29th, 2020
SV North President Statement, April 10th, 2020
SV North President Statement, March 31st, 2020
SV North President Statement, March 19th, 2020
SV North President Statement, March 12th, 2020
PA West Statement on COVID-19: Message to Members, March 20th, 2020
Here is the COVID-19 Resource Page from PA West:
  PA WEST COVID Resources

Mandatory Reporter Policy

Federal Law MANDATES all members participating in youth sports organizations will be considered mandatory reporters. This means that all SV North volunteers including Board Members, Coaches, Assistant Coaches and any other volunteers that interact with children are considered mandatory reporters.

Any mandatory reporter who witnesses or suspects child abuse or witnesses other questionable behaviors that violate the United States Soccer, Safe Sport Policies is obligated to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate authorities. If any mandatory reporter or club member has questions about these obligations they are to follow the SV North Mandatory Reporting Policy and the USSF Safe Soccer Framework.

A copy of the SV North Mandatory reporter policy can be found here:

SVN Mandatory Reporter Policy

A copy of USSF Safe Soccer Framework can be found here:

USSF Safe Soccer Framework

The USSF Safe Soccer web page contains the USSF safe soccer reporting guidelines, hotline numbers as well as detailed descriptions of all USSF Safe soccer initiatives. You can view the USSF safe soccer website here:

Maintaining Player Health

There are a variety of online resources that provide information to help you understand and mitigate the risks of playing contact sports like soccer.

UPMC Sports Medicine has an online resource explaining concussions, concussion prevention and recovery. The link can be found here:

UPMC: Concussions 101

USSF also provides Fact Sheets on Concussions for coaches, players and parents:




USSF also has an excellent website that deals comprehensively with player safety and health. Their website, "Recognize to Recover," has a wealth of player safety information covering a wide range of injuries.


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